Mullion Creek Wind Farm

The Mullion Creek Wind Farm Prospect (the Prospect) will be located approximately 20 kilometers north of Orange (NSW) on Wiradjuri country. The Prospect is proposed to be located within the Forestry Corporation of New South Wales’s (Forestry Corporation) Mullions Range softwood pine plantation, within Cabonne and Dubbo Regional Councils. The Prospect supports the NSW Government’s strategy for a reliable, affordable, and sustainable electricity future that supports a growing economy.

We have taken onboard early stakeholder and community feedback and renamed Mullions Range Wind Farm to Mullion Creek Wind Farm. This project renaming is more reflective of the wind farm site location, by recognising the local uniqueness of the prospects. Iberdrola Australia is dedicated to collaborating with local communities to ensure that our projects leave meaningful, positive, and lasting legacies.

If feasible and if approved, Mullion Creek Wind Farm Prospect would power up to 135,000 homes and deliver significant economic investment across the region, including training, employment opportunities, sponsorship of First Nations and local community initiatives, and a Community Benefit-Sharing fund.

Next Steps

The Investigation Permit awarded to Iberdrola Australia by the Forestry Corporation allows for a series of feasibility activities to be undertaken and, if the Prospect is deemed feasible, to develop the opportunity as a project. This investigation phase may take up to 6 years and will include, if feasible:


with the community and stakeholders


Carry out

environmental studies


wind monitoring


the project – in consultation with the community


grid connection


NSW Government planning approval

Our Commitment to Our Communities


Iberdrola Australia is dedicated to collaborating with local communities to ensure that our projects leave meaningful, positive, and lasting legacies. We strive to be good neighbours and share the benefits of our projects with the communities in which we operate. We recognise and embrace the uniqueness of each community, tailoring the benefits of our projects to make meaningful social, economic, and environmental contributions.

To receive updates and information regarding upcoming consultation opportunities sign up to our project mailing list via the link below.

If you have any questions, initial feedback, or suggestions or would like to discuss, please reach out to our team via our project email

Forestry Corporation of New South Wales


Forestry Corporation has been entrusted with the stewardship and ongoing management of the state’s forests for over a century. They are committed to ensuring that state-owned forests deliver sustainable outcomes, including environmental conservation, recreation and tourism, timber production, and supporting primary investment in regional NSW.

As the host landowner of the Mullion Creek Wind Farm Prospect, Forestry Corporation is committed to ensuring sustainable outcomes for the community and natural environment.

For further details on the Forestry Corporations renewable energy projects, visit the Forestry Corporations Sustainable Renewable Energy webpage via the link below.