Cherry Tree Wind Farm
Iberdrola Australia has agreed to purchase 100% of the output from the Cherry Tree Wind Farm under a run of plant Power Purchase Agreement.
Cherry Tree Wind Farm is a 57.6 MW generator located near Seymour in Victoria. The asset is owned by Atmos Renewables.
The wind farm achieved practical completion in July 2020.
Collector Wind Farm
Iberdrola Australia has agreed to purchase the 60% of the output from Collector Wind Farm under a run of plant Power Purchase Agreement. The wind farm became fully operational in 2021.
Collector Wind Farm is a 227 MW generator located between the towns of Collector and Gunning in New South Wales. The asset is owned by RATCH-Australia.
Iberdrola Australia's Power Purchase Agreement is for 60% of the electricity and Large Scale Generation Certificates (LGCs) from the project. The Power Purchase Agreement concludes on 31 December 2030.
Wallgrove Grid Battery
Iberdrola Australia have secured dispatch control of Wallgrove Grid Battery for use in the energy and Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS) markets under an agreement with TransGrid for a period of 10 years from commissioning.
The Wallgrove Grid Battery project is a 50MW/75MWh lithium ion battery connected to the NSW transmission network. It will be owned and operated by TransGrid, and designed and constructed by Tesla using Tesla Megapacks. Commercial operations are expected to. commence in Q4 2021.
The project will trial the use of a battery to provide the network services of fast frequency response and synthetic inertia, and has received funding from ARENA as part of ARENA's Advancing Renewables Program and the NSW Government as part of the Emerging Energy Program.